Mechanical Clockwork | Teen Ink

Mechanical Clockwork

November 2, 2012
By B.marcantel1 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
B.marcantel1 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The clock ticked
Tick Tick Tick
Ticked away
While away it ticked down to the last drain
of the grain of sand
of an hour glass making its way to the bottom of a full glass
A full glass of wine
I so desperately drank
in the time at hand
They were right
The clock ticked
The sand drained
Only a matter of Mechanical clockwork to decide my fate
My wife
My sons
My family
All I could think about when it went off
It destroyed the life I so desperately want back
Shattering the glass to the hours of sand drained in the time till death
He came for me
My family he took
I sit here
No longer angry or displeased with the life I lived
My facial hair has grown into little pricks of irritation in a forest
ready to be trimmed
My clothes
They jump to the world screaming
Screaming Homelessness
My nostrils
Filled with an everlasting smoke
reminding me for the rest of my life
how big of a disappointment I am
I have evolved now into mechanical clockwork
that only knows how to tick away
as away it ticks to another drain of sand
Time passes slowly
Making this all hard to forget

The author's comments:
I was inspired by a picture. A picture of a man who deserved to be heard.

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