My Mind | Teen Ink

My Mind

November 5, 2012
By alindasaint SILVER, Boynton Beach, Florida
alindasaint SILVER, Boynton Beach, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

the mind is deep
within it is where i sleep
deep like an abyss
both light and darkness
feather-light and encased
words and memories that I've faced
where decisions and questions are made
the only place that knows the outside is just a facade
intensity to every thought
extremity to all that's brought
channel every corner and edge
of the mind and off the ledge
the world collapses, rebuilds, and facilitates inside
the human is shielded and oblivious on the outside
no longer care what has to come in
no longer care what i want
the mind's got all it needs
the callous is all it impedes
"I'm keeping my composure
knowing inside I'm broken and torn up"
the work of my mind
so pleasurable and kind
the only company that i do not mind
just me, my mind, and i
the one and only that knows me
knows everything under lock and key
that makes everything a reality
even when it knows it's a fantasy
My Friend, My Mind

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