The Vertical Infinity of a Caged and Fragile Bird | Teen Ink

The Vertical Infinity of a Caged and Fragile Bird

November 5, 2012
By Breathing_Goodbye BRONZE, Chalmette, Louisiana
Breathing_Goodbye BRONZE, Chalmette, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

From The Vertical Infinity of a Caged and Fragile Bird

I am from battle-grounded hearts

Buried deep in the Past

Lost in the Present

We are the Future (this is what they tell me: Trust?

There is no security)

I see no way out

From the opened windows

Two stories above the world

I cannot jump

I cannot climb—I cannot breathe

From the cracked doors

They whisper your secrets—Fatality, a casualty of War?

Let the world shine with Light

As I wait for answers in the dark

I am from the likes of You

Made of flesh and blood and soul

From the wrong side of everything

I have a spirit—Identity?

(God, save me

World pray for me

It’s no secret: I am Human)

I am from a vertical infinity

That expresses the frustrations of humanity

Which rocky road do I take?

This life can go either way

From a world of black and white

And always Shades of Gray

I’ve got it wrong, the truth is far

From Home?

It’s all about Free will

And I Hate it

From electric fences and glass walls

Baby, you can see, but you can’t touch

I’ve got my heart on lockdown

I am from the world

With ignorance in my eyes

I am Child

I am from Prison Bars and chain Letters

Daddy, please come Home

I am from Sun-Eater and Heart-Breaker

Take me away to a locked up place

From this place

From bombs of peaces and midnight tears

Please leave me be in my cage

I am from a Home

That has 97 walls and changes 365 days of the year

From summer days in the heat of desert

From obvious tears, a self-inflicted misery

From a Shame that knows know Sanctuary

Good intention scarce, sealed lips, Mistakes that blockade

I am from a Cage

That I have inspired

I am a Fragile bird

And I have clipped my wings

From a guilt that consumes

From a pain that will lead me

Either way in this vertical infinity

Rattle through my mind

Study my heart

You will find nothing?

Because my Road is short

And my wings broken

I am a fragile bird Caged by redemption

I am from—what was that, sweetheart?

I’m sorry; I didn’t know you existed.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by Paul Dunbar's poem "Sympathy," and Maya Angelou's poem "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings."

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