Why I Sing | Teen Ink

Why I Sing

November 20, 2012
By Maddie Sassoon BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
Maddie Sassoon BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sing to quiet the thoughts in my head, pulling me every which way.
I sing to feel the nervous anticipation bubble inside of me before I step onstage.
I sing to see the sea of people before my very eyes.
I sing with the knowledge that the butterflies will disappear if I let myself sink into the music.
I sing because my friends cheer me on before I even take a single footstep onto the stage.
I sing to forgive and move on instead of letting my anger linger. I sing to stop the pain.
I sing because I need to let go of the negative thoughts that will hold me back.
I sing with a will to stop hanging on to the past and continue on in my life.
I sing to calm the scorching rage in my soul.
I sing to reflect. I sing to put my vivid imagination into song. I sing to share my passion with others.
I sing to go back in time and mentally fix what I have done wrong.
I sing to remember my past and connect those strong memories with each note that flows out of me.
I sing because the rush of pleasure I feel when I am singing is utterly irreplaceable.
I sing to put that priceless glowing smile on my friends and my family’s faces.
I sing to feel the audience’s applause pulsing through my body.
I sing with the hope that someday, my voice will be heard.

The author's comments:
Singing is my passion and hopefully, this will inspire others to do what they love everyday!

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