Losing Myself | Teen Ink

Losing Myself

November 24, 2012
By KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
KayElle SILVER, Southfield, Michigan
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Happiness is not the absence of sorrow, for although we may not be sad, we are not automatically happy. Happiness is the absence of fear because when we live in fear we don’t live at all—we are simply anticipating our next moment of sorrow."

You told me that you loved me.
That was the first lie.
You told me you’re just not good with words
That was the second.

I remember when you said my eyes reminded you of a clear night sky-
Big as the moon, shining like stars, clear and pure.
Now I look in the mirror and see a muddy mess.
Nothing but dirty puddles full of deception- the richest evil.

Now I don’t know who I am.
However I am smart- I don’t blame you for anything
It was me who picked the apple on the lowest branch.
It was me who took loves first bite-
It was I who indulged.
It was never washed.
I must apologize to myself.
How dare I permit an evil so grand?
It was me who was in the wrong.
To you I say thanks.
I remember when you said you wanted me back.
That was the truth.
But it was too late.

The author's comments:
I hope readers will understand that sometimes in relationships you do have to take the blame for why things went wrong- but never make the same mistake twice.

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