The Rich Boy | Teen Ink

The Rich Boy

December 3, 2012
By deerhunter9 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
deerhunter9 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Justin is the man with the plan
He's got money like it ain't no thang
When he walks and drops 100 dollar bills
he says "oops dropped my change"
His house is so big
My house could fit inside it have a front and back yard
His days are awesome because
He can buy happiness
He owns all the day flower pedals in the world
and payed with cash
he is the sweetness of every McDonald's big mac
Because he owns that too
He is the new Donald Trump
But with more money
Donald Trump works for him
He tells Donald Trump "No Trump you're FIRED"
He is the prettiness of everyone and everything
If there is anything in this world he can't buy
It's because he already bought it
He has twins
MONEY and BALLIN' Maniscalco
They have diamonds pacifiers
And they never use the same one twice
He is the man with everything
Because he's bought everything

The author's comments:
This is about my good and rich friend Justin.

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