The Parrot | Teen Ink

The Parrot

December 5, 2012
By Glaydus BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
Glaydus BRONZE, Reno, Nevada
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'm nobody! Who are you?/Are you nobody, too?" -Emily Dickinson

A flash of color
Red, blue, yellow, then red again
A flutter
A squawk
Then a silence
Save for the distant sound of blowing leaves
“Hullo,” calls a voice, “Hello, hullo?”
A squawk, a silence, a little cackle
“Hello? Hullo? Hello?”
But there is no one there
I step into the room
“Hello?” I call
“Hello?” calls the voice
A squawk, a silence, a little cackle
But there is no one there
“Who’s there?” I ask, looking about
“Hello, who’s there?” is replied
A squawk, a pause, a little cackle
But I see none there
“Where are you?” I inquire, “Pardon me to ask?”
Silence, stillness, then reply
“Hello, where are you? May I ask?”
A little cackle, squawk, squawk
But still no one is there
“Is that you, my Dear, are you here?”
Hope rises in my chest
A short pause, a thought perhaps?
“My Dear, am here. Hello?”
Cackle, cackle, squawk, “Hello?”
Could you be there?
“Dear, where are you? I have missed you so, but I see you not.”
“Hello? I have missed you not. Hello? Hello?”
“You have missed me not? But how could you do so?”
“Missed you not! Missed you not! How could I not! Hello?”
Tears, sadness, pain in my chest
And that is when I see him
Perched in the corner
A flash of color
Red, blue, yellow, then red again
A flutter
A squawk
Then a silence
Save for the distant sound of blowing leaves
And the sound of broken sobs
As I stare at the one who parrots all I say

The author's comments:
"Quoth the raven, 'Nevermore.'"
-Edgar Allen Poe

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