my sins no longer lasted | Teen Ink

my sins no longer lasted

November 26, 2012
By zainulabidin BRONZE, Karachi, Other
zainulabidin BRONZE, Karachi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you can have it all but you can't just have it all at once.

the day i dropped into the bath
away from the divine path
the bath was filled with sins
did not even feel sharp pins
they pierced in my body so fastly
i tried to know them hardly
now it gone from worse to worst
when i had an uncountable curse
i went to an inapproachable peak
i forgot everyone how to treat
one by one i lost in all
and thought this world like a simple ball
the time came when i was no longer me
some other person had replaced my glee
then the world introduced itself to me
i felt no power in my knees
in sins i was so indulged and pout
now it was difficult to get
then i again thought of the one
i should have very ago this done
the very moment i thought he came
when i was lolled badly in shame
he held my hand and got me out of it
by divine mercy i was hit
i had been taken out of the spooky basket
and this is how my sins no longer lasted

The author's comments:
the poem reveals the reality of a person who falls into sins and forgets God but when he realizes that he has done wrong then he calls God again and the merciful God takes him away from sins.

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