Life on the xbox | Teen Ink

Life on the xbox

December 13, 2012
By B.marcantel1 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
B.marcantel1 BRONZE, Plaquemine, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am skilled

A cold-blooded ruthless killer

Ready to pounce on the target

Striking quick and retreating

I’m off again: muck, pond, ditch, residue

Eagle vision pursuits his crimes,

trails his beliefs, and holds a portfolio of a family

hidden blade attack is optional

drawing my sword would only attract attention that would only lead me to think

thinking of what you never can bring back

who will be gone when I strike

I can’t change it nor should I hold on to it

Sword drawn and ready in position

Attacking from behind I am stopped

“my haze-headed friend, you”

did you really think-


(toilet sounds)


“my haze-headed friend, you”

“did you really think that you would kill me”

I force my blade forward as he forces it back to me

My hand slips and I stab in the head


Well um… did I do something wrong

joy—actually scared.

Did I complete the game?

Where are the credits?

No, I can still walk….

I quit

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