Everything is changing | Teen Ink

Everything is changing

December 13, 2012
By Hawaiilove BRONZE, Swansboro, NC, North Carolina
Hawaiilove BRONZE, Swansboro, NC, North Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Speaking to those who listen
And not just hear
Listening to those who talk
Loud and clear
Giving for a cause
To those in need
Wanting to give
To those who can’t feed
Speaking up for the right
To those in the wrong
Understanding the lyrics
To those who write a broken song
Bringing a smile
To those who frown
Telling jokes
To those who laughs like a clown
Believing in us
For those who lost hope
Hoping that I can help
For those who need to cope
Loving everybody
At those who hate
Teaching how to love
To those who don’t appreciate
Aiming to strive
To those who don’t
Becoming an adult
Than those who won’t
Informing the public
To those who prepare
Because I care

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