The Fall of King Recess | Teen Ink

The Fall of King Recess

January 9, 2013
By ram2006 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
ram2006 BRONZE, Mount Prospect, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Once having endless youth and vigor,
King Recess passed on from natural causes (age)
Recess provided for kids in many ways
Though taken for granted,
He provided for:
Social lives

But Recess has not been forgotten.
Near the end of his life, during grade 5
Recess put out all he could to keep on providing happiness and good morals
He is survived by:
Lady Lunch, Sir Study Hall, and His Heiress, Afterschool
He’d want this to be a lesson:

“Nothing is for granted,
Cherish every moment
and have FUN!”

As the ones once close to him move on,
Remember Recess
for he is
our king, our solution, our time, and our life,
since the beginning of our lives.

Rest In Peace

Services will he held on the Playground, before lunch.
In lieu of flowers, Activities are appreciated!

The author's comments:
Inspired by memories of childhood and recess. Attempt to gain realization that childhood is a one-time deal and that every moment should be enjoyed. Inspired by the fact that Adult life is...Mundane.

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