A Battle For Life | Teen Ink

A Battle For Life

January 15, 2013
By MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
MiracleLynn GOLD, Green River, Wyoming
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trust no one but yourself, because when everyone else is gone, you are all you'll have left.

You just stood there and watched as I fell,
Further and further into the deep abyss.
For you I went through hell
And in return all I get is this.

This hurt and pain,
Fear and aggression.
Left on my life, a crimson stain
That goes by the name depression.

You said you would fight
And turned out to be a lire.
Because on that dark night,
You ignited the fire.

The fire that destroyed my soul
And ruined my life.
On my heart it left a giant whole
The source of my strife.

Just on question, Why?
You gave in,
You didn't even try.
Why'd you let death win?

I fought and gave it my all.
All you did was stand and stare
While I was pushed up against the wall
Did you ever really care?

We lost the battle
The prize was your life
You were the cattle
And Grim had the knife.

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