Sheets | Teen Ink


January 14, 2013
By Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
Writers_Soul SILVER, Lake, Michigan
7 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There are so many that I can't choose one :P

His lips hit mine so passionately
Built up emotion behind the first kiss

The cold winter air surrounded us
Enclosing us, comforting us
Holding us tightly, telling us this young love might last

He grabbed my hand, fingers entwined, tangled
Crisscrossing like the ropes of a hammock
Its tangles creating strength

I smiled up at him
Looking into those huge brown eyes
Getting lost in the stories they told
Whispering to me and only me

I heard the beeping as my body came back to life
You faded into the crevices of my mind as I rose from my bed
Leaving my dreams within the crumbled bed sheets

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