The how in trust | Teen Ink

The how in trust

January 25, 2013
By Darkbutterfly SILVER, Taylors, South Carolina
Darkbutterfly SILVER, Taylors, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you can cry with a pure heart nothing else compares to such a prayer."

You say you love me and not to forget it
How do I know you mean it? You say its because its
love Then you question if I trust you? Of course I do

If you only knew. My heart can't turn against you.You say you'll be here for me How do I know you mean it? You say its because its love. How can I show you how your promises are hard to believe? How will you be able to prove all you say. If in the end all was lye's and you can walk away without a tear being shed?

The author's comments:
Inspired by the temptation of wanting to trust again

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