No Control | Teen Ink

No Control

February 9, 2013
By PegasisterFluttershy SILVER, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
PegasisterFluttershy SILVER, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania
6 articles 43 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Litereature is the art of writing something that will be read twice; journalism that will be grasped at once." - Cyril Connolly

The rain drops will never cease to fall
Nor shall the sun not shine
Apples will always grow from a tree
And grapes always from their vine

You see, there's nothing you can control
No matter how hard you try
Life and death and strength and weakness
The growth of crops like wheat and rye

You can only wish and hope and pray
That everything turns out right
Just relax and let things go their way
Forget the sleepless nights

Don't worry about things you can't control
Anxiety just won't help
Do you best and forget all else
Stay rooted and sway freely like kelp

Stay planted in God, my dear old friend
Trust him; stick closely to his side
With God, all things will go your way
In the end, the way he decides

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem with one person in mind. One of my school's secretaries had a long battle with cancer, and I wrote this just before she died. She had no control of what would happen to her, and neither did her family. I hope they have peace in knowing she's somewhere better than this broken earth we live on and that she is free from her pain and suffering.

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