Flight and Flora | Teen Ink

Flight and Flora

February 28, 2013
By Hannah Stadler SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hannah Stadler SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Flight and Flora
Birdwing Butterflies

Upon my gaze, leading the
way, an inspiration of majestic beauty surrounds.
Transforming from a single
caterpillar, evolving
into life, emerging from
the shell. Flying from flower
to flower, holding my stare,
beauty amidst fragile wings—
holding a bounty of grace and power.

Growing by minutes, wishing
love to each soul. Sipping
nectar, feeding its body,
captured in nature. Soaring
through the air, landing among the flora, basking in the
vibrant petals. Small budding
creature, surrounded in a
rainbow of lively color—
holding a bounty of grace and power.

Hope spreading from the creature
to my heart, strengthening my
love, becoming an adult.
Rising color in deep full,
finding a mate, starting the
evolving circle of life
anew. Beauty before you.
Gleaming with desire here,
magical moments of hope,
stemming from luminous wings—
holding a bounty of grace and power.

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