Broken | Teen Ink


February 28, 2013
By AbbeyH113 BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
AbbeyH113 BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How do you mend a broken heart?
By picking up the pieces and going from the start?
Is it really that easy, the transformation?
I hear it's more then a one time sensation.
I've been told hurts, like a festering sore.
People tell me one time leads to more.
So why do they do that to themselves?
Go back where the pain they've already felt?
They risk it all, for a few moments time.
But can it be worth it? Shouldn't it be a crime?
So how do you mend a broken heart,
When it was never really full from the start?
I guess only time will tell,
After someone has already fell.
You see my friends, we all need love,
Something to hold on to, sent from above.
The things of this world, they come to pass.
But love, love will always last.

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