Don't Fall Into The Rabbit Hole | Teen Ink

Don't Fall Into The Rabbit Hole

March 8, 2013
By TheLostGirl BRONZE, Kentland, Indiana
TheLostGirl BRONZE, Kentland, Indiana
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
As i kissed the scars on her skin i still think your beautiful and i dont want to ever lose my best friend~Vic Fuentes~
Wrists are for bracelets not for cutting~Kellin Quinn~

I fell into the rabbit hole,
Now I’m falling into wonderland,
I can’t meet land,
There is no hand to help me meet land,
So now I fall into Wonderland,
I’ve met land now,
But I don’t understand,
This is wonderland,
But it’s a mixed up wonderland,
No one is happy everyone is mad here,
Do not come to Wonderland,
You’ll regret coming to this land,
First you’ll go mad,
Then you’ll be stuck wandering in Wonderland,
You’ll never escape Wonderland,
I’m stuck mad wandering trapped.

The author's comments:
I've always loved Alice in Wonderland.
Also when the good times suddenly disappeared.It felt like I fell into a rabbit hole.I felt like I was trapped.Like I was going mad wandering, in Wonderland

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