Where did you go? | Teen Ink

Where did you go?

April 7, 2013
By JayLaces SILVER, Lovely, Kentucky
JayLaces SILVER, Lovely, Kentucky
9 articles 5 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't want to remain inside the the same grid and always live after the same pattern. In that case, my soul would wither." -Jack Strify

What happened to 'perfect family'?
A wife, two kids.
Your life was so good.
What happened to 'never giving up'?
A divorce.
Two kids with tears in their eyes and broken hearts in their chests.
What happened to 'always being there'?
A second marriage, a temporary heal.
Now years later, this is how I feel.
What happened to my father?
Where did he go?
Will he come back before I'm too old?
How long will it be?
Can I have an answer?
Will he be there when I need him?
Or will I end up as a dancer?
Almost 17, ready for college.
One more year and I'll be gone.
I'm at the point where I can't even call him.
No visits, no nothing.
Just a busy tone from his side of the phone.
Daddy, I need you.
Where did you go?

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