Take Off | Teen Ink

Take Off

April 8, 2013
By FreakyPoetryAddict SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
FreakyPoetryAddict SILVER, Hastings, Minnesota
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I want a friend, who, when I tell them I'm fine, they'll pull me close and say what's wrong?

When we take off,
I can feel my ears pop,
but when I take a piece of chewing gum,
my ear stopped to drum,
We’re just taking off,
when we had to stop,
we are on auto-pilot,
the caption had to pee,
when it started to rain,
now we're stuck in a 2 hour delay,
our destination,
just hours away,
my ears are starting to pop,
I have no more gum,
I don’t have any water,
my ear’s are drumming,
beat after beat,
it’s all I can hear, until...
the flight attendant comes,
she has gum,
my ears have stopped,
no more noise,
we have reached our destination,
that’s what all happened,
all on our Flight.

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