Bullies | Teen Ink


April 9, 2013
By chocolate6 BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
chocolate6 BRONZE, Winter Haven, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has a monster,
Their afraid of,
They hide from it,
When they see it,

They’re scared of the monster,
Because they know your weakness,
They know what you will do and not do,
They know everything about you,

When you try to run away,
They will always stick on you,
When they stick on you,
Then you won’t know what is going to happen,

The monsters will come in different shapes and sizes,
The monsters can be anything,
But the biggest monsters are the bullies,
Bullies can hurt you real bad,

But there is a way,
To get rid of them,
Then they won’t come near you,

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this poem is that half the people that is living on earth gets bullied. The people who get bullied sometimes get scared to stand up for them. i hoping me poem will help others to stand up for them.

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