Being Fourteen | Teen Ink

Being Fourteen

April 12, 2013
By Karli35 SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
Karli35 SILVER, Struthers, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Choices and mistakes.
A year for firsts.
Good times and memories,
mixed with the worst.

A jam-packed birthday,
splitting in half.
Reviewing again,
the same old thing.

A volleyball team,
ready to win.
A cheerleading squad,
excited for a new year.

Announcements and complaints,
I’m fought over again.
A loss ending in despair.
In reality no one really cared.

Flying right through,
drowning in expectation.
Higher standards than ever,
never given a break.

Diary entries,
to mourn my scary thoughts.
Times became tougher.
Friends and I fought.

An annoying coach,
never leaving me alone.
Thought to be so great,
with actually nothing to show.

New acquaintances and friends,
basketball is taking control.
Keep it up Karli,
you have to be prefect.

The loss of a sister,
now a ghost from the past.
I just want to skip ahead,
wishing away life way too fast.

Tv becomes the enemy.
The picture perfect life.
A Valentine’s Day surprise,
only ending in spite.

People watch me stumble.
They stake out for the attack.
The attention I always wanted,
is something I don’t want back.

Fooling me is crazy.
I saw through the charade.
Maybe you can’t trick the girl,
who’s familiar with the game.

Quitting and losing,
buried me every day.
Trapped inside myself,
is where I wanted to stay.

Breaking the connection,
what I thought was retrieved.
Want and friendship,
was a plot that was conceived.

Things I thought I loved,
seemed to disappear.
The path I want to take,
is not really clear.

Along with all of the bad,
the experience was worth,
to feel the death depart.
And make more room for birth.

Growing up,
doesn’t take it light.
It keeps giving you chances,
to finally get things right.

I’m becoming who I will be,
a girl no one’s ever seen.
Because I know that all of the are parts,
of being fourteen.

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