"Just Us" | Teen Ink

"Just Us"

April 16, 2013
By myril nobleza SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
myril nobleza SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Just us Mom
You and Me in this battle of misleading misery
even though I'm the only soldier standing
When the enemies keep shooting
When the sun refuses to give light to lead me in my
formation to temptation still marching on strength of declaration

Please take care of yourself
because I still wanna look up to you
in my darkest moment
to soak my empty self with love
to indulge my spirit with your care

A touch of your hands in my bloody wound
that I always thirst for comfort
A love like bullets from my own gun
dancing with laughter,likeness, leaving me lonely
realizing your million miles away
facing this war alone, but your my inspiration
Just us mom.

The author's comments:
My mom is far away from me and every obstacles that i face i put her as a reason to keep fighting even though i always face it alone.

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