Good-Bye Mama | Teen Ink

Good-Bye Mama

April 22, 2013
By kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I was never really sure if you cared for me, but now I can see.
You had always loved me and no else, and never anything less.

Mama you promised you would stay, but yet left me behind just today.
Am I not enough, or do not deserve your love. Well I am so far fine on my own, I can feel that I am no longer alone.
I finally have someone who cares that I am even here, and that I don't chase you there.
I am no longer by myself, I have a life with someone else.
Good-bye mama I love you, and I hope you love me too.

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