Hard Rock | Teen Ink

Hard Rock

April 30, 2013
By Hannah Stadler SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Hannah Stadler SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When love is a hard rock, still and alone
and dreaming and wishing are out of grasp,
look to the sky, a bright fresh tomorrow.
A moment of chance, a moment of hope—
a bright yellow burst, waiting to come out.

When happiness inside is hard to find
and laughing and smiling are hidden there,
look to the present: your future, your life.
A moment of dark, a moment of rain—
a waterfall of peace waiting for you.

When life is below a cloud of despair
and looking and finding are in the past,
Look inside you, a key to a new life.
A moment of faith, a new life awaits—
a door of fulfillment, waiting inside.

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