Hi from you | Teen Ink

Hi from you

April 24, 2013
By kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
kalina1995 baker SILVER, Chanute, Kansas
9 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Hi, the first word that got me to speak to you.
At first I didn't know what I should do.
Then I saw your eyes felt as if, you would just be another friend.

After months of knowing you
I saw what my feelings really were for you.
You never gave up on something,
or thought life was worth nothing.
I heard you speak about how a girl should really act.
I knew right then you were the one right for me just for that.
You treat a person right and not want to always fight.
You protect the ones you care for the most.
You never even lose to your own boast.
Now when you say hi,
I fall just for you.

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