To My Forever Valentine | Teen Ink

To My Forever Valentine

May 11, 2013
By cassidykitty SILVER, Pacific Palisades, California
cassidykitty SILVER, Pacific Palisades, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We are the women our mothers warned us about, and we are proud" -Gloria Steinem

Valentine's day is a special day when lovers get together
To celebrate the storms that they have weathered
To look back on the good times that have passed
and share a love that was meant to last
I treasure the fact that you are mine
and cherish that you're my valentine
We will lay together and never be alone
knowing that we will always have a hand to hold
On this day I give you my heart
so that you'll know we're never truly apart
On this day I'll let you know
I'll stick by your side through sleet and snow
Though valentine's is just one day
I want you to know I'll always stay
By your side for better or for worse
and I thought I'd say it best in a verse
Say that when we're old as time
you'll still be my valentine

The author's comments:
This is written for my best friend and life partner, I wouldn't be here without him! I love you Raymond you'll have my heart forever :)

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