A Half- Written Complaint | Teen Ink

A Half- Written Complaint

May 18, 2013
By NavyReveille SILVER, Rockwall, Texas
NavyReveille SILVER, Rockwall, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Things do not happen. Things are made to happen.

John F. Kennedy

A whine, a moan, a complaint added to the continuous drone

Terrible ethic and laziness accepted at the most important time of the year.

Developing minds learning habits and how to act, no work ever becoming complete.

Three and a half years of good habit and work ethic forgotten as the cold winds have blown.

A motif of slacking found in every class, as if that level of effort will help them in anything

Yet no one speaks against the habit, in fear of being alone.

What's worse is

The author's comments:
A poem dedicated to senioritus.

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