Trip 4 | Teen Ink

Trip 4

May 20, 2013
By Tyler Reed BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
Tyler Reed BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The grass is green
in summer and spring
until fall comes and it
turns brown.
In winter the snow
covers it up
to produce moisture
in the ground.
To turn the grass green
for animals to eat.
Nice green pastures
is what every farmer and rancher wants.
That means they can bale more hay
and save more
until December to start
feeding their animals
hay because there is
fresh green grass to eat.
The grass will do the
same thing year after year
to produce food
for all the animals.
If there is nice green grass
you can lay on it
and roll around
because it is very soft.

The author's comments:
The beautiful land around me inspired me to write this piece the way I did and what about it for why I wrote it.

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