Do You Remember? | Teen Ink

Do You Remember?

May 20, 2013
By Safyre22 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
Safyre22 BRONZE, Columbus, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you remember? I do.
We threw rocks into the slow moving water
and watched as they splashed
and rippled the water.

This fascinated the both of us
while we sat and talked.
We put our feet in the freezing water,
but the cold felt good on my warm skin
as the sun was high in the sky.

Once we ran out of rocks,
we went to get more and piled them back on the thick posts
we used as a bridge.
The slight breeze making me feel only slightly cooler.

I didn’t want to get up
and follow my mother’s command.
I just wanted to stay there.
But unfortunately,
our time had to come to an end.

We both said our goodbyes
and went our separate ways.

The author's comments:
This was a memory of mine that I wrote about for my English class.

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