Just aShadow | Teen Ink

Just aShadow

May 28, 2013
By Remmah BRONZE, Stella, North Carolina
Remmah BRONZE, Stella, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your smile, it felt so sincere
Now it attacks like spears
You whispered to me words of love
Now scream words of hate
Turn my back on you because you
Turned yours on me
Now you’re just a memory
Of clouded highs
But I’m leveled now.
Excuse me what did you say your name was again?
Oh yea, Suzy? Wait no it was Brooke, whatever
You’re just a shadow of a setting sun

The author's comments:
As a teen we go through so many relationships, and at the time we feel as though they are the most important, but when things go astray and the first perspective turns into a third perspective, we realize that people will be shuffled through our lives and the journey for that special one continues.

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