I wouldn’t get scared if I were you | Teen Ink

I wouldn’t get scared if I were you

June 4, 2013
By PorcelainLolita BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
PorcelainLolita BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I died in my dreams reaching out for your hand.

Don’t get scared as the dead walk by,
‘Cause you may be the next to die.
They tie you down to a bed,
And rip off your flesh ‘til you’re dead.
They laugh so hard they start to cry,
And wait for someone to say “oh my!”
When you're not nice,
They make you pay the price.
As you scream in pain,
They say it’s all for personal gain.
As you lay on the bed,
You realize you’re dead.
If you want to pass on, you have to pay the toll,
And for that you lose your soul.
So you say “no way!”
But you still have to pay.
If you give them your soul,
You know heads will roll.
So they give you a meal,
Then strike you a deal.
And they say you have to be mighty bold,
You say “I am”, and they show you your body covered in mold.
You scream and shriek,
Then go for another peek.
They cover your body in a sheet,
From the top of your head to the ends of your feet.
You don’t say a peep,
And pray you are asleep.
As you start to cry,
You wish everyone would just die.
As you wake in a river of red,
You realize you are not in a comfortable bed.
You did not pay the toll,
So they took your soul.
When you hear the bell,
You know you’re burning in Hell.
So don’t get scared as the dead walk by,
For you will be the next to die.

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