Fabrications | Teen Ink


June 17, 2013
By TheWarHasBegun. SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
TheWarHasBegun. SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
" UNLESS someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." - Dr. Seuss

As a ticking time bomb explodes,
So does my sanity.
I wait for comfort,
But it’s only a ghost.

I’m filled with lies,
Confused like a lost kid,
I wonder through a destructive paradise.
A revengeful soul,
Lost in herself,
Lost in lies

She fights the world,
But she is her own worst enemy
The lights go out
Then she goes to war

No one sees her,
No one cares,
Lost in herself,
Lost in her own destruction

The world sees her,
But doesn't know her,
She’s a prize,
A picture frame.
She walks like she’s sure,
She’s broken by conformity
She’s reprimanded for speaking the truth.

Opportunities for her are like a million open doors,
She has infinite chances
She is a shadow of expectations
She is loved,
But it is not felt.

She is like a shining star
She is like a closed book
She is open as a bolted shut door
She is an abused circus animal
She is lost.
There’s no control
Life is out of her hands.

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