When I Am Gone | Teen Ink

When I Am Gone

July 2, 2013
By QueenAmburrito SILVER, Ellabell, Georgia
QueenAmburrito SILVER, Ellabell, Georgia
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

When the time comes for me to leave this world,
wear blue, not black.
Blue, the hopeful hue of the midday sky.
Or maybe crimson...magenta...tangerine?
All the shades of a summer sunset.
So beautiful, yet fleeting...
Like life itself.
Remember the times you have wronged me,
and confess them to a quiet breeze.
Let this wind signify forgiveness, wiping every tear away.
In life and in death I can forgive
because my Heavenly Father first forgave me.
Next, remember the way I have loved you all.
All the laughs we had, and the memories...
Remember my sincerest smile, and trace it in your palm.
Clench your hands together, then release me,
holding on to nothing but the joys we've shared.
Kiss me like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty,
but know that no prince, princess, king or queen could ever wake me up,
for I now reside with True Royalty.
I dwell in the presence of the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace.
Keep me in your thoughts, but not so much that it limits your life.
Live fully, extravagantly, abundantly, because I no longer can.
Life on Earth was interesting,
but Glory to God, now I'm home.

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