The Paranoid Friend | Teen Ink

The Paranoid Friend

July 4, 2013
By Anonymous

My friend, my dearest friend,
Where could you have gone?
Not a word have I heard,
Perhaps you met the fate of Ghost John?
The fool who went to a foreign town,
Head held high and proud,
And caught the eye of local crime.
Oh, I worry at the thought of you at such a fate,
In the hands of kidnappers and thieves.

But it can’t compare with other thoughts I grieve!
I fear you may have gotten lost somewhere,
Growing so lonely that you start talking to your hair.
Alone and away from friends,
You suffer until the end….

I cannot bear these thoughts!
I am losing against the paranoia I’ve fought!
My friend, my dearest friend,
Where could you have gone?!?

What’s this?
A letter from my dear friend,
Placed on my desk, the clever miss!
“My friend, I am leaving on a trip.
I will be too far away to send word of lip,
But bear in mind that I will write before the month is up.”

Well, this is embarrassing.
Perhaps even shameful.
Whoever hears about this may call me laughable and weak,
But she’s my dearest friend,
Whom I haven’t heard from in a week.

The author's comments:
Have you ever had a friend(or a crush in other cases), who left all of a sudden on some trip, and you weren't sure when they'd be back? Then you start having crazy thoughts about them getting in some sort of trouble in who-knows-where, and it drives you nuts every day it seems they should be back but aren't? Because I do, and I'm ashamed to admit that this poem is pretty accurate with what happened to me.XD

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