Cherry Suckers | Teen Ink

Cherry Suckers

July 22, 2013
By KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
KayleeE GOLD, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cherry suckers, the teal sundress, my hair falls around my eyes.
In my mind I am young; I hear the words of the wise.
Kiss me, maybe we’ll go all the way. With you this is right; forever it will stay.
As I hold an eye-liner stick, I am scared out of my mind.
Those “he thinks I’m cute” jitters were such precious times.
How come, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” – no longer exists? My future had to already be chosen, based on my wish.
The tree house time machine; it’s 1925.
Let’s play hide and seek! I’ll count and you hide.
I don’t care what people think, I appreciate the uniqueness in others.
I’ve loved someone I thought I’d hate- don’t judge a book by its cover.
My mom is my best friend – those “Can I ask you something?” moments, have only brought us closer.
I’m on a secret mission. Shh! We’re undercover.
Those nine rows of tile, were big enough to be my stage,
I couldn’t type my stories; the keyboard was higher than my range.
To stay a kid or to grow up?
The world says I’m older, but I fight to keep up.

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