Glue Bottles | Teen Ink

Glue Bottles

August 10, 2013
By AllSurreal123 BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
AllSurreal123 BRONZE, Bettendorf, Iowa
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;Thomas Edison&#039;s last words were &#039;It&#039;s very beautiful over there&#039;. I don&#039;t know where there is, but I believe it&#039;s somewhere, and I hope it&#039;s beautiful.&rdquo; <br /> ― John Green, Looking for Alaska

I never used to believe I was ugly.
But the more people told me I was,
The more I believed it.

The more I looked in the mirror.
I could see it.
The more I saw pretty girls.
I believed it.

More I opened my eyes the
More I saw what society wanted.
They craved thin, long haired girls,
Straight teeth and a blue ribbon face.

The more I listened the more I heard the “Names”
Being glued to me.

I never told anyone.

My mom was clueless.
And my dad held one of the glue bottles.
My sister was on the prowl.
And my brother was stuck in the shadow.

I never used to believe I was ugly.
But the more people told me I was,
the more believed it.

The more I saw it.
The more I heard it.
The more I felt it.

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