Simple Innocence | Teen Ink

Simple Innocence

September 22, 2013
By ArtemisAnjel SILVER, Braselton, Georgia
ArtemisAnjel SILVER, Braselton, Georgia
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;And then is heard no more: it is a tale<br /> Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,<br /> Signifying nothing.&quot;<br /> Shakespeare

We have an answer to everything.
There’s either good or there’s bad.
All the rules are simple.
So much fun, and only fun, to be had.
We believe in every word you say,
And in everything we’ve never seen.
Our darkest days,
Are when there’s rain
And we can’t be outside playing.

Not quite human.
Closer to angelic.
Over time your old thoughts
Become a relic,
You can never use again.
Sometimes you wish you could go back when…

You could find a picture in every cloud.
You believed in cooties,
And only hurt when you fell down.
The simplest things could capture your attention.
In everything there was misunderstood perfection.
The scariest thing you had to deal with was the dark.
Every single thing you made,
You were told was a work of art.

Those times you’ll be paying for,
For the rest of your life.
To have something so good and precious,
You must pay with hard work and strife.
Then there comes the day
When your innocent heart can’t last any longer.
With the first blow it fades away,
And something grows back that is stronger.

One part I did not let fade.
The blows haven’t hurt it to this day.
I’m struggling to make sure it is never touched.
That one piece of me
That still lets me believe
In way too much.

The author's comments:
Once you grow up, you can't go back. Sometimes that is hard to face. Luckily, we have our memories.

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