what am i? | Teen Ink

what am i?

September 30, 2013
By TheCurlySqueirl BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
TheCurlySqueirl BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life can always be curly

My dear reader am I what I say I am?
If I say I am a poet then is this to be true?
If say the sky will fall on the living and rise on the dead am I telling you a lie?
You can never be sure what of what I say because I am not a human being
I am that which goes bump in the night,
And howls at the moon.
I am that itch you can never seem to scratch
I am an enigma
I am a waste of time and space that should never have existed
I am you…

The author's comments:
this is how i feel when i look in each mirror

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