Smooth Stones | Teen Ink

Smooth Stones

October 2, 2013
By xDarkxPixiex GOLD, Edmunds Twp., Maine
xDarkxPixiex GOLD, Edmunds Twp., Maine
18 articles 4 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don't stop laughing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop laughing. and
Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there's footprints on the moon. and
Sometimes the heart does things for reasons that reason cannot understand.

Hold it in your hand
Slide it through your fingers
Feel the smooth stone glide across your palm
Now close your eyes
And roll it between both palms
Imagine where it’s been
Where it came from
Hear the ocean that it use to lie by
Washing in and out
Over and over again
Pulling the stones into its hold
And then pushing them back onto the beach
A little smoother each time
Now feel the waves aping at your toes
Prickling your ankles and knees with its icy embrace
Feel it pull you into its cold arms
And push you back onto the beach
A little smoother each time
Feel it wash away your pain
Break down your sorrow and hurt
And carry it away into the sea
Leaving you a little smoother each time
Yes, hold it in your hand, glide it across your palm
And feel a little smoother each time

The author's comments:
I grew up near the ocean but moved away to go to school inland. The ocean was always my go to place when i was upset or hurt, so when I left for school I took some stones from my favorite beach. Stones that had been washed over for thousands of years and were left completely smooth. They are a comfort to me and remind me of home

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