Irrelevance | Teen Ink


October 8, 2013
By ryanrochford BRONZE, Tring, Other
ryanrochford BRONZE, Tring, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:

Two years is a long time,
Down and out two years ago,
Where has time gone?
Where has my mind gone?
Our bodies can continue but forever etched into time,
Trainspotting on repeat,
Ode to a fairytale.

Sofa turned into boardroom,
Spliff turned into a paint brush,
Quick loan repayments into mortgage repayments,
We move so quickly,
But live so slowly,
I’m still a child,
We may live as one but never unified,
Age. Time. Life.

The author's comments:
That all parts of life don't work together and in sync and often are warped and distorted. We make everything for ourselves and we can always come back from the bottom, redemption is self administered.

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