tools | Teen Ink


October 10, 2013
By Taylor,H. BRONZE, Waterford, Pennsylvania
Taylor,H. BRONZE, Waterford, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Im my best friend, and my worst enemy.


This pen this pad. These are my tools. My weapons of thought against the criticism of others, for what I write here is between me, and these pages. These are the tools I use to express myself, and the true person inside myself that others never see. It is my way to vent. My way to let out these thoughts that I dam up inside me. Without such a means of expression my thoughts would over run this dam and destroy everything below. These tools organize the jumbled mess of thoughts swirling around in my head and give them a home outside of me so that I don’t have to think of them again. Once they have been taken outside of myself and laid down on these pages, there they will remain, for you to read and connect with. For what is the point of having tools to never use them?

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