Goodbyes | Teen Ink


October 29, 2013
By Katie Irving BRONZE, Wyoming, Michigan
Katie Irving BRONZE, Wyoming, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Saying goodbyes are the end of the line
The memories and the truths are left behind
No more hellos
Or are you fine?
Just the last sight left in your mind
The last breath and conversation you had with them
And the last time you would think you would see them again
The last of them is left with you
At that moment you had
Just you two and maybe some friends
Their sweet smell and velvety voice is left in your mind
The way they spoke and made jokes
All the memories flooding your head
the taste of salty tears filling your mouth
Wishing you could relive them again
People come and go
Sometimes without a sign
They move or may even die
Time feels like it flies as quick as light
Flying by freely and forgetting the fears that may be ahead
But once time stops and your mind clicks
You realize your relations with them is at an end

The author's comments:
This piece is about saying goodbyes to someone you love, either by death or by moving. I got inspired to write this piece because we had to write a free-verse in creative writing class. I chose to write this topic though because of things happening in my life with friends moving away, and hearing about their family members dying, so I thought this would be a great piece to work on.

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