Athletes | Teen Ink


November 12, 2013
By Jonas Montani BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
Jonas Montani BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We are athletes
We hear the roar of the crowd go clap,
Clap, clap
We work hard at everything we do.

We are athletes
We are athletes we stay in shape to be good at our sport
Some pass the pucks when they play,

We are athletes
We are as dedicated as if sports were our babies,

We are athletes
Some may say we are attractive,
We make the balls fly in the goals, nets, and baskets

We are athletes
Musty socks, soggy cleats, howling crowd,
We love the rush of playing.

We are athletes
We may be just jocks that play sports,
But in the end the love for the game teaches us important
Life lessons.

The author's comments:
This inspired me by me being an athlete.

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