Till Final Breath | Teen Ink

Till Final Breath

November 22, 2013
By VitamAeternam PLATINUM, Fenton, Michigan
VitamAeternam PLATINUM, Fenton, Michigan
26 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Only the very weak-minded refuse to be influenced by literature and poetry.”
― Cassandra Clare

How the star spotted sky
Meets the ever raging sea
The place that looms so high
A view we cannot flee

Its ever present brilliance
Is constantly ignored
As we search for our resilience
In this ever witless horde

We try so hard to just become
A grain within this pit of sand
We just sink in, we just succumb
Why don't we take a stand

To be a constant in this life
Is to just accept your death
Do not sit away from strife
But live this life till final breath

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