Father Time | Teen Ink

Father Time

November 20, 2013
By Anonymous

Over the sound
Of the leaves changing colors,
I can barely hear a low voice
Off in the distance....
The voice is calling
My name
And trying to tell
me something

As I walk towards
The voice,
I find the sound of it

It is Father Time.

I race as fast as I can
To find the voice

And As I step closer
And closer to hear the voice
I realize that father time's
Voice is here
With me, but
Has seemed to leave Father Time behind.

So I sit down
next to father time's voice
And open my ears to hear him
Through the loud sounds
Of the forest.

That's when I realize,
That while I was
On the journey
To him,
I was so focused
On getting here, that
I didn't try to really
Listen to what
He was actually saying.

I was so blinded by
One thought in my mind,
That all the others seemed to fade away
Into the oblivion.

In the time
That it took to travel
To the voice,
I could have been
Observing the beauty
Surrounding me,
And not just run to the finish line.

The whole time that
I was preoccupied in my own mind,
The voice was trying to tell
Me to marvel at
The small wonders
Life offers us, and use up
The time we have wisely
By doing just that, marveling,
Instead of living the fast life
And rushing to check off
The to do lists
That we make inside our heads
Everyday of our life....
Sometimes we need to silence
Our heads, and listen to our

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