Cannibals | Teen Ink


November 27, 2013
By Anonymous

Maybe they don't realize
just how deep their words cut
like scalpels to the soul
ripping and tearing at the seams

Their soul crying as it's turned black
it spreads like a plague
They develop the same hunger
the twisted opinions and the jealous hate

It's fate.
It's fate.

then they acknowledge hunger
a hunger to cause regret, anger, and pain
only quenched by ripping the soul to shreds
that's when they find satisfaction

the flesh is torn invisibly
but when it becomes visible
is when the soul cries
and the skin seems to break

You're bait.
You're bait.

it becomes an inescapable labyrinth
of self conscious thoughts
never ending sadness
all because of a petty opinion

it makes them feel pure
no fault do they find in it
it's how they escape the pain
of their own flesh being gnawed away

It's too late.
It's too late.

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