Crimson Tears | Teen Ink

Crimson Tears

December 11, 2013
By fierybuddie BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
fierybuddie BRONZE, Grand Blanc, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The pure and simple truth is rarely pure and never simple."
-Oscar Wilde

Unblemished and unmarred
The frosty forest sleeps
A single darling dove
Spreads her feathered arms

A sudden breeze
And a clumsy flutter
Becomes the birth of flight

On new wings she soars
Till a black and silver fox
Calls from below

He lures her from above
In the dawn of night
And the simple little dove
A fire she does ignite

But when the morning comes
He has left her side
A shattered and a mangled heart
Wherein he still resides

A dove no longer white
Flies through forest charred and burned
Till a black and silver fox
From behind implores

He whispers words of love
To her desperate heart
He manipulates her feelings
And together they depart

A vow centuries old
A golden ball and chain
She wears a lily gown
With a silver train

He became her shackles
Regret showed only mirrors
Pain was everlasting
And her heart wept crimson tears

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