Ode to Jesse | Teen Ink

Ode to Jesse

January 6, 2014
By Joyce1107 BRONZE, Fort Myers, Florida
Joyce1107 BRONZE, Fort Myers, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From your gangster days,
to playing with swords,
you’ve been the person you wished to

You don’t care.

Dipping your pineapple pizza into
a pile of ranch dressing, like normal people
do with chicken wings.

You don’t care.

Fixing up an old El Camino into
a star wars machine, when most people
wouldn’t have changed a single thing.

You don’t care.

Playing man hunt with your cousins,
at the age of 21 even though most people
would be afraid of the bears
that may be lurking in the woods.

You don’t care.

Egging us on to throw the next
roll of toilet paper over the house,
when there is the possibility of
getting caught.

You don’t care.

You’re as real
as the blue in a cloudless sky,
you thrive off of uniqueness,
like bees do honey.

You put the “I” in
CHILD and that’s what I

You don’t care,
and that’s the way life should

The author's comments:
This poem is about my cousin Jesse. He is my role model, and I will always admire him. He is who he is, and nothing can change that.

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