Grandpas heart | Teen Ink

Grandpas heart

January 13, 2014
By Georganna Hemphill BRONZE, La Mesa, California
Georganna Hemphill BRONZE, La Mesa, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There's a heart as a grandpa,
A father a leader
That touches his granddaughter
And lord knows that she needs it.
She knows she's adored
Love, and cherished
By a strong man, a good man,
Been there since the beginning

He's a fighter for certain
She looks up and admires him
All the wisdom and jokes
All the hugs and his praise
That showed her shes special in her own little ways.

So I wrote this for you
as I lay awake in my bed
To tell you how much I care
rather than sleeping instead.

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